When becoming European Capital of Culture, the city undertakes the role and duty of an envoy – bringing up the foreground of it's own and herald it to reach other cities and countries at the same time. This is the case of Café Europa Riga project – RIXC undertook it in a close collaboration between Riga 2014 and Mons 2015. The concept of Café Europaimplies networking among the European cities especially. It had to be marked out that Riga is the very first European city outside Belgium where Café Europa isinstalled, but the next year Café Europa hybrid structures will pop up in many other European cities – such us Linz, Pilsen, Karlsruhe, Sarajevo and others.
Café Europais a project initiated by Mons 2015 – European Capital of Culture. The main theme of Mons 2015 is “where culture meets technology”, and Café Europais an example of this. It's intention is to bring new technologies closer to people, making them more familiar and accessible for everybody.
Café Europa was multi-functional, architecturally flexible, mobile space, that can be adapted to the needs of the local context while maintaining connection to other places in Europa with similar nature at the same time.
Café Europa Rigadeal with 3D printing and renewable energy technologies especially, invited to rethink the future of urban ecosystems, human evolution and psychology of visual perception together with artists and scientists from Latvia and abroad.
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