Project Renewable Futures activities:
Partner meeting 1 and Press conference (kick-off gathering): 07.10.2015 – 08.10.2015
International conference 1 "Renewable Futures 2015" (RF2015) and launch of new European Creative Alliance: 08.10.2015 – 10.10.2015
Art & Science exhibition 1 (accompanying RF2015 conference): 09.10.2015 – 22.11.2015
Artistic Research & Education seminar 1 (preceding event of RF2015 conference)
RF 2015 Conference Proceeding (a issue of the Acoustic Space journal series, No 16)
WorkLab 1 "The Lab of the future: open innovation in cultural production" : January, 2017 or April, 2017 - 3 days
Worklab 2 "Hybrid Fabrication"(residences, public open lab's,workshop for kids,and Creative Apprenticeship 1: Liepaja & Barcelona to Riga
WorkLab 3 "Energy of a LifeTime" and Creative Apprenticeship 2: Paris-Eindhoven: June 4-5, 2016 Design Days; Creative Apprenticeship 2: Riga – Paris
WorkLab 4 "Oslo Fjord" – artistic research on cultural and biological Sustainability of the sea and "Sea Ecology" exhibition : 21.11.2016 – 27.11.2016
Partner meeting 2 and Press Conference (middle-term evaluation and showcasing of the first results): 27.10.2016
WorkLab 5 "3D Open Source and sustainable technologies" (workshop and showcasing): 01.12.2016 – 03.12.2016
WorkLab 6 "Design & Digital Fabrication" (symposium on public innovation), and Publication "Atelier des Possibles"
WorkLab 7 "3D BioLab" and Creative Apprenticeship 3: Riga-Paris, 3.06.2016 – 04.06.2016
WorkLab 8 "Art&innovation", Creative Apprenticeship 4: Liepaja-Helsinki, and iWeek fetivals 2015 and 2016: 07.11.2016 – 13.11.2016
International Conference "Renewable Futures 2016" (RF 2016): 28.04.2017 – 30.04.2017
Art&Science exhibition 2 (accompanying RF 2016 conference): 28.04.2017 – 30.04.2017
Artistic research and education seminar 2 (preceding event of RF 2016 conference)
RF 2016 Conference Proceeding (an issue of Acoustic Space journal series, No 17): April, 2017 - publication presentation
Creative apprenticeship 5: Eindhoven hosting-Barcelona, and publication of the book "Lab of the future" (part 2)
Partner meeting 3 and Press conference (evaluation of the project results and presenting project highlights)
Study and Promotion Visits for sharing and dissemination of information and project outcomes
+371 67228478 (office)
+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)
+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)