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In spring 2016, artists Raitis Smits and Rasa Smite as a part of their research travel visted the ETC Solar Park, which is located couple of kilometers outside Katrineholm. There in the Solar Park, they were meeting with the technical team working there, who were showing their innovative experiments with green energy, and also showing the pond, where they have expressed their interest to host our Pond Battery installation. They were taking some examples from the mud there, for testing the bacteria activity, and making plans for the next steps – setting up the live installation (either fall 2016, or spring 2017). In Katrineholm, they were visiting Katrineholm art gallery (Konsthall), and discussed the plans for future collaborations – maintaining a link between green technology and the arts – showing Pond Battery in their venue, and planning larger exhibition for spring 2019. Currently, they are also discussing with Stockholm Technical Museum about the possibilities of displaying the live web-cam stream from Katrineholm Solar Park in the museum's Green Room exposition next year. 

Support: the research travel was supported by Nordic Culture Point Mobility grant.


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)