This residency consisting of an exhibition and symposium is an investigation into the changing patterns of contemporary ecologies, art and science.
The exhibition – Transformative Ecologies features innovative artworks and opening performances by Latvian and Belgian artists. It is complemented by 3D BioLab symposium with art science workshops, artist presentations, public lectures and participatory discussions.
Also, guided tours through the exhibition are offered, as well as a possibility to take a part in Do-It-Yourself art science workshops, experimenting with 3D scanning, printing and generating objects from sound, movement, and environmental data.
19.08.2015 – 18:00 > 20:00
Exhibition Opening with Bacteria Battery art-science public show by RIXC and audiovisual performances by Trihars and VADi
20.08.2015 – 12:00 > 16:00
Symposium Day 1: Poetics of green energy, intelligent beehive research and 3D data visualization: workshops by Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits by Annemie Maes.
17:00 > 20:00
3D BioLab Public Programme: keynote lecture on “renewable futures”, artist presentations and participatory discussions.
21.08.2015 – 12:00 > 16:00
Symposium Day 2: Wind power, sound and movement research, and 3D object generation: workshops by Gert Aertsen and David de Buyser
17:00 > 20:00
3D BioLab Closing Programme: artist presentations, workshop demos and participatory art science performances.
23.08.2015 – 15:00 > 18:00
Family 3D BioLab: VIRTUOSO workshop – introducing experiments from the 17th century scientists–amateurs and how artists today work with science: building battery from mud, using bees as living 3D printers, 'harvesting' drinking water from the clouds.