Exhibition will take place from September 9 to 18, at RIXC Gallery, 11. novembra krastmalā 35. Opening: September 9, 19.00.
Hours: Monday – closed; Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 14.00 – 19.00; Saturday and Sunday 12.00 – 18.00.
Free entrance.
We offer guided tours.
Contact: rixc@rixc.org; +371 67228478 (RIXC office), +371 26546776 (mobile).
Martins Rokis webpage: http://www.martinsrokis.com/
The exhibition is produced by RIXC Center for New Media Culture.
Support: State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia, Riga City Council.
+371 67228478 (office)
+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)
+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)