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Elza Ozola. Gateway of Anxiety, 2022.

The opening of the Gateway of Anxiety exhibition by Elza Ozola takes place at the RIXC Gallery, Lencu iela 2 on October 21, 2022 at 17:00. The age of information overload affects persons ability to perceive and recognize which information will be useful in the future and which only further clutters the mind with a layer of unnecessary information. The exhibition features a digital environment depicting the hybrid reality we already live in and the human mental space, saturated with all kinds of information from everyday life.

Life is complicated. All internal experiences are intertwined with external events. The real world and the digital environment have become interconnected and the border between them - sometimes undetectable. The human mind is exposed to more and more information to process on a daily basis than ever before. The age of information overload affects persons ability to perceive and recognize which information will be useful in the future and which only further clutters the mind with a layer of unnecessary information.

By consciously consuming the information around you, it is possible to more truly distinguish what is forming the thoughts that reside in you and who is benefiting from it. Are you driven by a desire for personal growth or are you just a pawn in the playing field of the giant platforms chasing more power and promoting a culture of consumerism?

A wake-up call to an overcrowded mind is the first step and motivation to consciously get rid of excess, process existing thoughts, emotions, feelings with quality and, cooperating with your subconscious, lead your life aware of how the information consumed affects our decisions and shapes everyone's personal attitude towards life.

The artwork uses LIDAR-scanned private spaces, which are divided into details and recomposed into a new structure, depicting the hybrid reality in which we already live in and the human mental space, saturated with all kinds of information from everyday life.

Audio recordings are sourced from different environments and also the sounds of electromagnetic fields, which are inaudible to unaided human hearing, however always present in the sound plane, further highlighting the surrounding (even unsuspected) noise.

Elza Ozola is a multimedia artist, graduate of new media art at Liepāja University. Artist aims to present the problems of modern society, which are connected with the growing popularity of the use of digital media, before they have reached their maturity, so that they can be studied at a scientific level. She delves into the details of everyday life and creates works of art that inspire people to look at their habits and understand more deeply how external factors - the environment, society and the media - can affect everyone's personal perception of life and change the current values ​​that guide them in their daily life. The main goal is to raise the level of public awareness, thereby improving the quality of life for both our own and future generations, creating a more tolerant and understanding world in general.


The exhibition is on view until December 10, 2022. The opening: October 21 at 17:00.

Opening hours: Wednesday – Saturday, 12.00 – 18.00. Free entrance. 

RIXC Gallery, Lenču iela 2, Rīga


Supported by the State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia, Riga City Council.


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