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Title: F5 Video Loops

Authors: F5

Technology: video loop, 46 min

Collection: RIXC

Year: 1998–2000

Description: The collection of videoclips was a video material for VJing – video loops recorded on VHS tape cassettes were created as a material for mixing at F5 VJ sessions at various electronic club music events and performances at the RIXC’s “Art+Communication” festival. At the time a standard technical set up was 3 or 4 VHS video players and a video mixer. In the exhibition version F5 has interpreted the VJing material and shows it unmixed – two video loop sequences are shown together.

Added: 02.01.2018.


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)