Title: "Transbiotics. Temporal stability points" 12th International Festival for New Media Culture "Art+Comunication"2010 exhibition and festival catalogue.
Publisher: Riga : E-Lab / RIXC
Year: 2010
Authors: Rasa Šmite and Raitis Šmits
Editor: Rasa Šmite
Editors: Daina Siliņa, Linda Vēbere
Translator: Linda Vēbere
Artistic editor: Mārtiņš Ratniks
Description: 12th International Festival for New Media Culture "Art+Communications" 2010 with the theme "Transbiotics. Temporal Stability Points" exhibition and festival catalogue. The festival focused on the study of materials, structures, surfaces and interfaces transformed by technoscience and networked media. Transbiotics exhibition brought together international biotechnological artworks. The conference Textures explored the theoretical perspective of creating art in context of its "new materiality".
Subject: Exhibition catalogue
ISBN: 9984-9538-8-2
Size: 56 pages
Collection: RIXC, The Center for New Media Culture
Media: Culture
Format medium: Paper
Type group: Text
Type: Catalogue
Copyright: Authors
Access: Metadata are publicly available on DOM system of the National Library of Latvia:
Access rights: Video file (high quality, full resource) is available for download from the library network for authorized users of the National Library of Latvia.
Date captured: 05.12.2023
PDF Preview file: Available here