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Title: Waves - Electromagnetic waves as material and medium of art
Issue: Acoustic Space, Nr. 6
Publisher: Riga : E-Lab / RIXC
Year: 2006
Editors (Authors): Raitis Smits, Rasa Smite, Armin Medosch, Daina Silina
Description: The exhibition's “Waves” catalog of artworks was published in the 6th edition of the series of RIXC's periodical “Acoustic space,” which also included theories offered by curators and articles from other RIXC festival “Waves” 2006 participants.
Subject: Exhibition catalog


ISBN: 97714078310090
Size: 184 pages
Collection: RIXC, The Center for New Media Culture
Media: Culture
Format medium: Paper
Type group: Text
Type: Continued Publication
Copyright: Authors
Access: Metadata are publicly available on DOM system of the National Library of Latvia:
Access rights: PDF file (high quality, full resource) is available for download from the library network for authorized users of the National Library of Latvia.
PDF Preview file: Available here part 1 and part 2
Date captured: 14.12.2022


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)