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The 11th edition of “Art+Communication” festival with this year's theme – Energy, will investigate the notion of “sustainable development” from various perspectives – artistic, scientific, cultural, technological, social, architectural, and environmental. 
The festival is prefaced by a series of satellite events – Terike Haapoja's “Entropia” installation, a film programme Wonderful World (Riga, May 11, 2009), Art and Renewable Technologies symposium (Aizpute, August 13-16, 2009), and Erik Hobijn's “Chemo-bar” performance (Riga, September 12, 2009). 
The festival main programme will take place in Riga, October 8 – 10, 2009, featuring an exhibition (in RIXC gallery at Spikeri), art and science conference (co-organized with Art Research Lab of Liepaja University), as well as experimental film screenings, live performances, workshops and artists’ presentations (in RIXC Media Space). 
Energy festival intends to gather an interdisciplinary group of participants who have taken interest in the issues of sustainable development, open source approach, as well as ecological and alternative uses of cyber-, nano- and bio- technologies, – to share their scientific and artistic, utopian and critical visions of future terrestrial energy.
The deadline for conference papers and proposals: August 10, 2009.

More information here


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)