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RIXC Art Science Festival
Riga, October 19 – 21, 2017

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This year's festival aims to become a space for artistic interventions and conversations about the complex implications of immersive technologies. Taking place in the framework of RISK CHANGE Creative Europe’s project, this year's festival particularly will focus on exploring the relations between “virtualities” and “realities” in our post-media society.

The festival will take place in from October 19–21, 2017, on the most significant contemporary art & culture sites in Riga, Latvia. The CONFERENCE parallel sessions will take place the in the Art Academy of Latvia, and the Latvian National Museum of Art, while the EXHIBITIONS – in kim? Contemporary Art Centre, and RIXC Gallery (two venues), and the PERFORMANCES – in RISEBA Architecture and Media Center “H2O6”.


The 2nd Open Fields Conference: Virtualities And Realities
October 19–21, 2017
The Art Academy of Latvia, and the Latvian National Museum of Art

THE 2ND OPEN FIELDS CONFERENCE will discuss the socio-cultural and neurobiological impacts of virtual and augmented reality, and other immersive technologies. The conference participants will also look at the places and movements from a socio-political perspective, the mapping and charting of migrating cultures particularly people and their data traces.

Immersive technologies coupled with superior virtual environments, artificial intelligence algorithms, faster processors, and biometrics are launching a new era in virtual experiences, entertainment and story-telling. At the same time these technologies have the potential for reinforcing stereotypes, contributing to massive economic and social disruptions, and implementing new systems of invasive monitoring and control.

 What do these new developments in VR/AR mean for education, entertainment, social policy, and systems of codified knowledge? Like their predecessors the telephone, television, and mobile phone, what are the impending new vistas and reduced horizons?

Biometrics and the uploading and tracking of personal data spans areas from healthcare to advertising, with implications for law, criminal justice, entertainment (gaming), education and sports. Machine learning and algorithms are harvesting and making use of big data in new and startling ways. Some of it allows pinpoint accuracy in determining issues of public health, economics, climate change, story-telling, political leanings and the migration of populations. What does all this data combined with new technologies mean? What are some current and future artistic strategies that deal with this? Combined with the acceleration of VR/AR and technologies of immersion, how will societies react?



Thursday, October 19, 16.00–18.00 / The National Museum of Art
Monika FLEISCHMANN  and Wolfgang STRAUSS / DE
Thursday, October 19, 16.00
The National Museum of Art

Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss are Visionary Pioneers of Interactive Media Art. 
In their lecture they will talk about Virtual Reality (VR) as the technisation of perception, a translation of the natural senses into the telematic. To keep pace with the growth of data knowledge over time, performative structures are needed that keep the mind alert and shake the memory. Their own work will demonstrate how ‘difference’ and ‘new knowledge’ can emerge through immersive mixed reality installations. How do the ideas and visions of early VR pioneers compare to today’s immersive environments?

Thursday, October 19, 17.00 / The National Museum of Art
WHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A NIGHTINGALE? Adventures in Interspecies Music

David Rothenberg is a musician, composer, author and philosopher-naturalist, professor of philosophy and music at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
… Can one really communicate with other species through music? David Rothenberg has been trying to do this for many years, and his latest subject is the nightingale. Rothenberg will play a special solo version of his new piece for spoken word, electronics, and clarinet, involving the ideas of Thoreau, Hegel, and Tim Dee recording the wind….

Thursday, October 19, 17.00 / The National Museum of Art

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Friday, October 20, 17.00 / The Art Academy of Latvia
Parsons / New School / Art-A-Hack / ThoughtWorks / New York, US

Ellen Pearlman is a professor in Parsons / New School, director of the ThoughtWorks Arts Residency, president of Art-A-Hack, and director/curator of the Volumetric Society. 
The rise in computing power is growing in tandem with enormous databanks of information, algorithmic processing, new methods of surveillance, and advances in biotechnology. Using examples of brain computer interfaces (BCIs) and her fully immersive interactive brain opera brain “Noor”, Ellen Pearlman will explore a few of the implications of these emerging and converging technologies for the future.

Friday, October 20, 18.00 / The Art Academy of Latvia
Concordia University / Hexagram Concordia Centre for Research and Creation in Media Art and Technology, Montreal, CA

Chris Salter is an artist, University Research Chair in New Media, Technology and the Senses at Concordia University and Co-Director of the Hexagram network for Research-Creation in Media Arts and Technology in Montreal.
With the increasing commercial take up of supposedly new “immersive” technologies such as VR and AR, there is the sense that new forms of human sensory experience are just on the horizon – ones which are not only unprecedented but directly made possible by these technologies. This talk asks a simple question – namely, what does immersion do and for what purposes?


October 20 – November 28, 2017 / kim? Contemporary Art Center, Sporta iela 2, Riga, LV-1010

THE MAIN FESTIVAL EXHIBITION will explore the changing role of art in society, its transformative potential, and its relations to the sciences, especially focusing on neomateriality, new aesthetics and other critical qualities of the post-digital.
The VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES exhibition will feature 25 innovative artworks by 35 artists from 12 countries who experiment with augmented and virtual reality, create immersive environments, and explore complex relations between the “virtualities” and “realities” of our post-media society with its networked communities and migrating cultures.

Artists: Marc LEE (CH), Jacques PERCONTE (FR), Juuke SCHOORL (NL), Brenna MURPHY (US), Hans BREDER (US), Clement VALLA (US), Matteo ZAMAGNI & Daniel BEN-HUR (UK/IT), Zane ZELMENE (LV), The Swan Collective / Felix KRAUS (DE), Annie BERMAN (US), Felipe CUCKER & Hector RODRIGUEZ (HK), Gunta DOMBROVSKA (LV), Martin John CALLANAN (UK/IE), Nina FISCHER & Maroan EL SANI (DE), Santa FRANCE (LV), Greta HAUER (UK), Martin HESSELMEIER & Andreas MUXEL (DE/AT), Raphael KIM (UK), Michal KINDERNAY (CZ), Christopher MANZIONE & Seth CLUETT (US), Andrew MCWILLIAMS (UK), Melodie MOUSSET & Naem BARON (CH/FR), Hanns Holger RUTZ (AT), Julia SOKOLNICKA (PL/NL), Danielle ZORBAS (AU/GR)

Curator: Raitis SMITS / RIXC.

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Open until October 28, 2017 / RIXC Gallery & Center, Lencu iela 2, Riga, LV-1010

Artist duo Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits have set up bacteria power plants and environmental sensors in a swamp. Retrieved data from the Kemeri wetland ecosystems are transformed into virtual audiovisual experiences.

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DATA.LOGS. By Trihars
Open until October 22, 2017 / RIXC “2” Gallery, 11. novembra krastmala 35, Riga, LV-1050

The “audiovisual organism” – Trihars is artists Rihards Vitols, Peters Riekstins, and Kristaps Biters, who in this exhibition are acting as “dataloggers” – processing “big data” by creating, analyzing and representing the data archives.

Saturday, October 20, 17.00 / The National Museum of Art

A Tribute to Armin Medosch

Armin Medosch (1962-2017) has long been collaborating with Riga based RIXC Center for New Media Culture. For many years he has been scientific editor of ACOUSTIC SPACE, peer-reviewed book & journal series, published by RIXC and Art Research Lab of Liepaja University ( In this Book Session we will present Armin’s book – NEW TENDENCIES (MIT, 2016), and recently published new Acoustic Space volume (16) – RENEWABLE FUTURES (RIXC, 2017), which includes a section about FIELDS exhibition (curated by Armin together with Rasa and Raitis), as well as Armin’s conceptual text about the FIELDS, thereby in the context of books, we hold a tribute to Armin Medosch.

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participatory session (Pecha Kucha)

The Open Fields Book-Review is a dynamic open participation session in Pecha Kucha format (20x20), during which conference speakers and exhibition artists have an opportunity to present their recent or upcoming books. If you want to present your book, please book your 6 min-presentation by sending the email to!

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What's Next?

RENEWABLE FUTURES 2018: Hybrid Lab Conference and Leonardo Symposium, in Helsinki, Finland, introduced by Lily DIAZ / Aalto University  


THURSDAY, October 19, 2017
Opening Programme

15.00 – 16.00 Coffee and Registration

Monika FLEISCHMANN and Wolfgang STRAUSS. Immersive Spaces for Thinking and Acting through Senses and Sensors
David ROTHENBERG. What’s It Like To Be A Nightingale? Adventures In Interspecies Music / The Univocity of Being (Lecture / Concert)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)

Venue: kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Sporta iela 2

Dace MELBARDE, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Latvia 
Pieter (Jan) LANGENBERG, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary from the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Latvia
Dominique Claire PETTER, Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission, Swiss Embassy
Rasa SMITE, Curator of RIXC Festival 
Valentinas KLIMASAUSKAS. Programme Director of kim? Contemporary Art Centre, 
and others.

FRIDAY, October 20, 2017

09.30 – 10.00 Coffee and Registration

10.00 – 11.30 Plenary Session. IMMERSIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND ARTISTIC RESEARCH (90 min)
Thematic Keynotes and Featured Presentations by AALTO University (Helsinki/FI)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: Rasa SMITE
2 Speakers (2 x 25 min, incl. VR demonstrations + questions):
Lily DIAZ. Interactive Diorama, Case Study Rembrandt’s Anatomy Lesson of 1632 by Dr. Nicolaes Tulp and doctoral students from Aalto University
Daniel LANDAU. Time-Body Study (presentation and live experiments)

11.30 – 11.45 Coffee Break

11.45 – 13.00 Parallel Session A1. Immersive Environments: Time, Space And Visuality (75min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: Chris MILLER 
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question):
Jorge SOBEJANO, Alvaro MOLINS. Black Islands
Camilla JALLER. A Sense of Time in Transit Spaces – Video projection artworks in public train station buildings.
Jonah BRUCKER-COHEN. Socializing Public Spaces With Shared Input From Mobile Devices
Hiba ALI. Deconstructing Network Visualities
David SCHMUDDE. Manifesting Human Relationships in Art and Technology

11.45 – 13.00 Parallel Session B1. Immersive Environments: Body and Perception (75 min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (Address: Jana Rozentala laukums 1, entrance from the park side)
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Miguel ALMIRON, Guillermo CROSETTO. Virtual Reality, the Empathic Machine?
Richard MERRITT. Ethereal Empathy: Creating Spaces for Intersectionality
KORSTEN & DE JONG. Paper-Performance 'Back-Space'
Asim HAMEED. Body: a Site of Virtualization.
Christina DELLA GIUSTINA. You Are Variations, Towards Version 08

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 
The Art Academy of Latvia

14.00 – 15.15 Parallel Session A2. Brainwaves and Immersive Data Visualizations / Biometrics (75 min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Orr MENIROM. Clinton and Sanders Looking at the World and Naming Things for the First Time
Karen LANCEL. E.E.G. KISS – Kissing the Intimate Uncanny
Chris HALES. Interactive Stories for the Brain: Interaction and Response in Brainwave-Influenced Non-linear Films
Sean MONTGOMERY. Synergy in Art and Science: From Groundwater to Brainwaves /  Hive Mind
Jukka HAUTAMAKI. Interfacing in Live Electronics Performances.

14.00 – 15.15 Parallel Session B2. Neomateriality and Post-Digital Aesthetics (75 min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator: Hiba ALI
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Winnie SOON, Sarah SCHORR. Screen Shots: Critical Codes of Capture
Raivo KELOMEES. From Net Art to Post-Internet Art: The Cyclical Nature of Art Movements
Doville DAGIENE. Anthropology of Memory and Imagination: Time and Place in Photography
Violetta DE SAGA. Transcendence in Immanence
Cristina    COCHIOR. In The Company Of Bots

15.15 – 15.30 Break

15.30 – 16.45 Parallel Session A3. Interactivity and Virtuality in Post-Digital Age (75 min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: Jonah BRUCKER-COHEN 
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Kathryn BLAIR. A Research Creation Process for Interactive Works
Varvara GULJAJEVA. Beyond interactivity. The unsolved question of interactive art.
Vanessa GRAVENOR. Disassociate Reality
Vanessa Sonia SANTOS. Investigating Locative Art Through a Methodological Bricolage
Vytautas MICHELKEVIČIUS, Lina MICHELKEVIČE. Other Virtuality: Tracing the Real in Maps and Diagrams within Artistic Research

15.30 – 16.45 Parallel Session B3. Tracing and Charting Migrating Cultures (75 min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator: Oksana CHEPELYK
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Stefanie RAU. Feeding Back (or: And Still We Keep Holding on to Our Spoons)
Greta HAUER. Proximity Of The Enemy
Jaana KOKKO. What There is to See (About Film, 24 min, 2017)
Ilva SKULTE, Normunds KOZLOVS. Hauntological Aspects of Steampunk's Philosophy
Mikko LIPIAINEN. The Potential of Augmented Reality Technology for Building Sites for Translocal, Transcontinental and Intercultural Dialogue: The Case of Digital Ghost of Resistance Monument Project

16.45 – 17.00 Coffee Break

Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Ellen PEARLMAN. The Approaching Storm: AI, Biometrics, Big Data, Immersion and Surveillance
Chris SALTER. Immersion: What For?

20.00 Dinner. Two choices: 1. PASEDET Restaurant by tickets (NB! you should buy the tickets in advance 25 EUR via XING registration, places are limited) // 2. ANDALUZIJAS SUNS cafe at Berga Bazars (the bigger table will be booked, participants pay for their meals themselves) // After-dinner gathering and drinks – at KANEPES centrs, NB! cash only)


SATURDAY, October 21, 2017

09.30 – 10.00 Coffee and Registration

10.00 – 11.30 Plenary Session. Augmented & Virtual Reality, Digital Art Archives and Bio-Digital Games (90min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator: Ellen PEARLMAN 
4 Speakers (15 min + 1 question)
Vincenzo SANSONE. Augmented Reality Between a Philosophical Meaning and a Technological One. 
Livia NOLASCO-ROZSAS. Knowledge of the Virtual. Some Questions About the Semantic Shift of the Concept of AR
Kristin BERGAUST. Oslofjord Ecologies: Experience, Artistic Research and Education
Raphael KIM, Guy HANKE, Stefan POSLAND. Bacterial Candy Crush? Heuristics of Bio-Digital Gamification

11.30 – 11.45 Coffee Break

11.45 – 13.00 Parallel Session A1. Augmented and Virtual Reality: New Artistic Strategies (75min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: David SCHMUDDE
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Christopher MILLER. The Virtual Class
Sandra ALVARO. Behind the Black Mirror
Jānis GARANCS. Induced Spaces as an Effort of New Sense/Making – Interfacing Financial Trading in 3D/VR
Hanna HAASLAHTI. Cosmetic Space
Natalia EGOROVA, Sergey SIMONOV, Daniil BAKALIN. The Experience of Interpretation of Biological Object in the Context of Contemporary Art
Carlotta AOUN. soft-()-face: extra/inter/outra

11.45 – 13.00 Parallel Session B1. Digital Art Archives and Curating Practices (75min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator: Raitis SMITS
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Janina HOTH. Digital Archive as Display for Digital Art
Aleksander KOMAROV, Maxim TYMINKO. PXFLUX – Online Platform and Toolset for the Exhibition, Promotion, Distribution and Collection of Time Based, Computational, Digital Art
Dijana PROTIC. Exploring Curating Practice on Example of Media Scape
Elke REINHUBER. Tangible / Intangible – the Digital Preservation of Yunnan Garden
Andrew Gryf PATERSON. Towards autoarchaeological archiving of artist-organiser practice – tbc.

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch
The Art Academy of Latvia

14.00 – 15.15  Parallel Session A2. 360º Video and Interactive Storytelling (75 min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: Chris HALES
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Aigars CEPLITIS. The Tension of Temporal Focalization and Immersivity in 360 Degree 3D Virtual Space
Luis BRACAMONTES. Teleacting the Story: User-Centered Narratives Through Navigaze in 360º Video
Adnan HADZI. After.Video – Displaying Video as Theory and Reference System
Arnas ANSKAITIS. The Rhetoric of the Alphabet
Oksana CHEPELYK. Virtual Reality and 360-degree Video Interactive Narratology: Ukrainian Case Study.

14.00 – 15.15 Parallel Session B2. Neomateriality and Open Design, Sociality and Algorithms (75 min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator:  Andrew Gryf PATERSON
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Hanns Holger RUTZ, Ron KUIVILA. Aiming for the Implausible: How Algorithms Come to Matter at the Margins of One’s Attention
John-Patrick AYSON. The Necessary (augmented) Reality of The Common (dis)Functional Object
Giorgio RUGGERI. Tracing the Role of Design in Online History Platforms
Mitch GOODWIN. The Liquid Electric – Tracing Nature’s Machine Code
Paula VITOLA. Demystifying the Network

15.15 – 15.30 Break

15.30 – 16.45 Parallel Session A3. Augmented Environments and Data Aesthetics (75 min)
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia / Address: Kalpaka bulvaris 13 (from the park side)
Moderator: Andrew Gryf PATERSON
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Eva SJUVE. Creative Process in Augmented Atmospheric Environments and Generative Auditory Systems
Jenny RODENHOUSE. The Enchanted Forest:  Satellite Canopies and Digital Understories
Misha RABINOVICH. Shareable Biome
Tracey BENSON. Changing Tides: Migration, Ecology and Deep time
Ludwig    ZELLER. The Institute of Sonic Epistemologies. Speculative Design and Sonic Fiction through Binaurally Mixed Environments

15.30 – 16.45 Parallel Session B3. Anthropocene and Techno-Ecological Perspective (75 min)
Venue: The Latvian National Museum of Art (entrance from the park side)
Moderator: Kristin BERGAUST
5 Speakers (12 min + 1 question)
Anna NACHER. Between "Dance of Agency" and Distributed Agency of Techno-Ecological Artistic Practice
Maryna MAKARENKO. Utopian Gender Narratives: Reality of Fiction in Techno-Scientific era? 
Michael DOTOLO. Aesthetics in Yoga
Vygintas ORLOVAS. Anti-Ecology of Digital Sounds: a Case Analysis of Vaporwave
Maija DEMITERE. Data Vizualizations – Using Slow Media Art to Promote Deep Sustainability

16.45 – 17.00 Coffee Break

17.00 – 18.30 Closing BOOK SESSION 
17.00 Pecha Kucha Book-Presentations by Authors. OPEN PARTICIPATION for conference speakers, if you want to present your book, please apply!
17.30 – “From NEW TENDENCIES to FIELDS. Tribute to Armin” Book-Presentations: 
“RENEWABLE FUTURES” (Acoustic Space Vol. 16, RIXC, 2017)
18.00 – Closing Announcement with Glass of Wine:
What's Next? RENEWABLE FUTURES 2018: Hybrid Lab Conference & Leonardo Symposium in Helsinki, Finland, introduced by Lily DIAZ / Aalto University  
Venue: The Art Academy of Latvia

18.00/20.00 – Satellite Event: 18.00 – SDV Arts and Science Foundation & Garage Museum (RU) presents: Portfolio Review // 20.00 – Cocktail Reception (free admission / NB! places are limited, 40 invitations will be available on a registration desk)
Venue: SDV Artist Residency, Doma laukums 2

Platons Buravickis (LV), Michal Kindernay (CZ), Sean Montgomery & HIVE MIND (US), Gustavs Lociks (LV), Not Even Born Yet (LV), Andrea Mancianti (FI/IT). Admission Free.
Venue: RISEBA Media and Architecture Center H2O6, Durbes iela 6


Conference chairs:
Rasa SMITE / RIXC / Liepaja University / Latvia
Ellen PEARLMAN / Parsons / New School / Art-A-Hack / ThoughtWorks / New York, USA

The International Conference Scientific board:
Lev MANOVICH / Cultural Analytics Lab / The Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA
Jussi PARIKKA / Winchester School of Art / University of Southampton / UK
Geoff COX / Aarhus University / Denmark, Plymouth University / UK
Kristin BERGAUST / Oslo and Akershus University, Norway
Laura BELOFF / IT University, Copenhagen / Finnish Bioart Society, Helsinki, Finland
Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN / Head of Research Department of Media, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
Ursula DAMM / Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Vytautas MICHELKEVICIUS / Nida Art Colony, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDÓTTIR / Art Education at the University of Akureyri, Iceland
Ilva SKULTE / Riga Stradins University
Regine DEBATTY / / UK/BE
Piibe PIIRMA / Tallinn University / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Raivo KELOMEES / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
Aleksandra KOSTIC / Kibla / Risk Change project / Maribor, Slovenia

The Festival is produced by RIXC / Riga, Latvia in collaboration with Risk Change / Creative Europe's project partners.

The Conference is organized by RIXC / Riga in collaboration with the Renewable Futures network, and Art-A-Hack / New York, and Hybrid Lab Nordplus project academic partners: Liepaja University, Aalto University and HiOA, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences.

Support: EU Programme Creative Europe, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia, Riga City Council, Nordplus, LG Electronics Latvia, the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Goethe-Institut Riga, U.S. Embassy in Latvia, Fulbright World Learning Specialist, Embassy of Canada to Latvia, the Mondriaan Fund, Capital, Reverie TG, Risk Change project, kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Latvian National Museum of Art, Art Academy of Latvia, University of Liepaja, Art Research Lab of Liepaja University, RISEBA, Studija, LSM.LV, Arterritory, Rigas Laiks, ESSE, PK Riga Hotel, Caffein

Contact:, +371 67228478 (RIXC office), +371 26546776 (Rasa Smite) – FESTIVAL AND CONFERENCE – EXHIBITION



+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)