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Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits. Deep Sensing, 2023.

Thank you for following the RIXC news for the past year! As we embark on the new year, let's take a look back at 2023 together with RIXC in Riga, Latvia, from exhibitions, residencies and performances to the key event of the year, the RIXC Art Science Festival 2023!

RIXC wishes you a happy and peaceful New Year 2024!

RIXC team
Agnese Baranova
Lelde Gutmane
Liva Silina
Raitis Smits
Rasa Smite 



RIXC Art Science Festival 2023: Crypto, Art and Climate

September 20 – November 11, 2023
National Library of Latvia, Riga, Latvia

RIXC Art Science Festival 2023. Auge2 artathon. Keynote speakers: Eric Nowak, Eleonora Brizi, Jane Tingley. Photo: Juris Rozenbergs

RIXC Art Science Festival 2023 Exhibition: Crypto, Art and Climate. Photo: Juris Rozenbergs

The festival featured the Crypto, Art and Climate exhibition opening, SensUs AR exhibition opening, Auge2nd artathon for youths, symposium and performance program. Read more:


Riga, Latvia & Karlsruhe, Germany


SensUs. Augmented Nature-Cultures Exhibition

Riga (Latvia): In the Esplanade Park, in the Latvian Museum of Natural History, next to the National Library of Latvia. September 21–November 11, 2023

Karlsruhe (Germany): In Friedrichsplatz, in front of the Museum of Natural History Museum Karlsruhe, August 16–September 17, 2023.

AR SensUs exhibition in Esplanade park, Riga, Latvia, as part of the RIXC Art Science festival 2023. Photo: Juris Rozenbergs

SensUs(AR) exhibition  produced by the RIXC (Riga) in collaboration with NAIA (Karlsruhe) makes visible the invisible processes in urban nature, explores the symbiotic relationship between social and ecological systems. More:



Rute Marta Jansone. Smoulder exhibition

March 10 – May 6, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

The exhibition artwork identifies the components of the individual's unconscious layer, which reveals the different nature of the humans, its origins and identification with the help of psychoanalysis - the images of the archetypes. More…


Līga Dubrovska. Observing the Noise exhibition

December 16, 2022 – February 18, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

The exhibition tkaes the spectator to the heyday of the Industrial Revolution, when the noises of machines and factories began to dominate other surrounding sounds. More…


RIXC Baltic-Nordic Residency Program

Marko Timlin. BITS AND BYTES exhibition and SENSOR_SOUND_MACHINE concert

Exhibition: December 1, 2023 – February 3, 2024
Concert: December 14, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

BITS AND BYTES exhibition opening. Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

SENSOR_SOUND_MACHINE concert. Photo by Lelde Gūtmane

As part of the second RIXC Baltic-Nordic residency, Finnish artist Marko Timlin exhibited his artwork BITS AND BYTES and developed and performed in the dark a new sensor-based instrument SENSOR_SOUND_MACHINE.


Juan Duarte Regino. Augury: Hybrid listening and atmospheric attunement exhibition

May 26 – July 8, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

As part of the first RIXC Baltic-Nordic residency, artist Juan Duarte Regino (Mexico/Finland) developed and exhibited the Augury artwork. The generative and interactive media installation has been inspired by ancient meteorology and modern methods of weather sensing to extend our perception of atmospheric processes. More…


EMAP Residency Program

Carl Emil Carlsen. Intangible exhibition

October 5 – November 17, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

Developed during the EMAP residency 2023, hosted by RIXC, the immersive VR installation submerges the viewer in the digital world and challenges our senses and our sensory perception. The experience is complemented by Anna Fischer's musical compositions. More…


Leon Butler. Performance Surveillance exhibition

July 13 – September 9, 2023
RIXC Gallery, Riga, Latvia

Photo by Juris Rozenbergs

Developed during the EMAP residency 2022, hosted by RIXC, Performance Surveillance is an interactive augmented experience made to remind you that the infrastructures and networks made to control can be co-opted and used as a powerful tool to connect us. More…


Riga & Liepaja, Latvia

AUGE NEXT Fellowship & Residency

Oleksandr Sirous, Dmytro Tentiuk and Danil Siabro at the AUGE NEXT Residency

Hybrid (onsite/online): September 1, 2023 – February 28, 2024
Onsite residency in Riga and Liepaja: October 12-21, 2023
Riga and Liepaja, Latvia

Oleksandr Sirous, Dmytro Tentiuk and Danil Siabro. Decentraland

The AUGE NEXT Augmented Europe Fellowship: Digital Artists-in-Residency Program hosted by RIXC was launched with the selected Ukrainian artists Oleksandr Sirous, Dmytro Tentiuk onsite in Riga and Liepaja and Danil Siabro online, featuring the Decentraland artwork prototype showcase. More...


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)