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From November 14th 2014. to January 25th, 2015. at Latvian National art museum Arsenals exhibition hall (Old Riga, Torna street 1), visitors will be able to see exhibition “Perspective of solar system”.

Goal of exhibition is to show age-old trying to understand human relationships with Universe. The exhibition includes more than 70 art works from LNMA collection, artist personal collections and private collections, including RIXC's production - “RT-32: Acoustic space laboratory” from the collection of emerging Latvian Contemporary Arts Museum. The artwork is based on video - multimedia research about Irbene radiotelescope. The authors of RT-32 are Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits and Martins Ratniks. 

Near Ventspils, in Irbene, 32 meter diameter, fully amendable parabolic antenna, RT-32, as well as 16 meters diameter antenna R-16 are located. First information about existence of these antennas, and ex-secret spying center “Звездочка”, came open at 1993., when between Soviet army and Baltic countries where closed agreement about retreat of Soviet army. Video “RT-32: Acoustic space laboratory” is creative research about VIRAC radio telescope RT-32. First part is dedicated to history, information and technical parameters of this secret Soviet military object, and its using in civil and scientific area. Second part of video is dedicated to international sound art, radio and satellite technology symposium “Acoustic space laboratory”, where more than 30 artists, radio amateurs and radio activists from different countries participated.


Working Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00 - 18:00; Thursday 12:00 – 20:00; Saturday, Sunday 12:00 – 17:00

Ticket fees: 3,56 EUR / 2,13 EUR, thursday – 1,42 EUR


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)