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The Reference Metadata solo exhibition by Gustavs Lociks at the RIXC Gallery, 2019. Photo: Juris Rozenbergs. From the left side: LiepU professor Rasa Smite, RIXC Gallery curator Raitis Smits, artist Gustavs Lociks (LiepU graduate)

Don’t miss the additional admission of the new media art studies – admission for the Liepaja University Bachelor’s program of the New Media Art, as well as the admission for the joint LiepU and RISEBA Master’s program of the New Media and Audiovisual Art are taking place from July 26 to August 20.

The admission for the new licensed LiepU and RISEBA PhD program – “Media Art and Creative Technologies”– will be announced in September!

The New Media Art study programs provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills not only for young artists, but for anyone interested in this program, including those that have already obtained education in other fields, but want to enrich their knowledge in future fields related to creativity, innovation, technology, art, design and culture.

The programs provide an opportunity to learn the application of the latest technologies in the fields of audiovisual arts and creative industries – from skills in more traditional media (video, sound, internet) to virtual and augmented reality, 360-degree video, immersive sound, gaming environments, multimedia performances, digital networks and data visualization.

Twelve years ago, Liepaja University, in cooperation with the RIXC Center for New Media Culture, established a new media art study program and MPLab (Art Research Laboratory) in Liepaja. Since then, the program has evolved to the level of master's and PhD study programs – the program graduates are gaining international success, continuing their studies at the Art Academy of Latvia, both in Europe and the USA, and actively participating in exhibitions in Latvia and international festivals in Europe, as well as establishing their own creative companies, creating video, animation, internet projects, audiovisual performances, sound and new media artworks, video projections at outdoor events and digital art objects in the urban environment.

These programs are unique in Latvia as they use creative and practice-based research to gain knowledge about the latest developments and development trends in new technologies and audiovisual media industries, contemporary art and visual culture, the creative economy and society.

There are a number of success stories in the new media job market, including our graduate multimedia content production company – Sense Media, which recently signed a long-term deal with the Internet giant Google to create video content.

The data. logs exhibition by the artist group Trihars (LiepU master’s study program’s graduates) at RIXC gallery, 2016. Photo: Didzis Grodzs

The joint Master's study program "New Media and Audiovisual Art" of LiepU and RISEBA is divided into three specializations - "Digital Art and Immersive Media" and "Sound Art and Audioculture" at the Liepaja University, and the "Audiovisual Media Art" at RISEBA. The studies take place in English.  The Master’s program is 2 years long –  two study specializations are available at the Liepaja University - “Digital Art” and “Sound Art and the Electronic Music”, where it is possible to study at the expense of the state budget (awarded to applicants with the best results), as well as it is possible to study at personal expense

A rich and high-quality material and technical base is provided for the study process, creative work and experiments. Students have access to laboratory premises for practical work and research in Liepaja (in Liepaja University’s Art Research Laboratory MPLab) and in Riga (in RISEBA Architecture and Media Center H2O6).

An exhibition of students' artworks and presentations of their achievements take place within a framework of international new media art networks in close cooperation with the RIXC Center for New Media Culture in Riga, by involving students at the international RIXC Art and Science Festival and by exhibiting the best artworks in the RIXC Gallery in Riga.

The Snakes and Adders artwork by Santa France at the UN/GREEN exhibition of the RIXC festival, 2019. Photo: Kristīne Madjare

The teaching staff of the "New Media and Audiovisual Art" Master's program consists of the best lecturers of Liepaja University and RISEBA, among whom are renowned digital artists, film directors, sound artists, composers, media theorists from Latvia, Northern Europe, Great Britain and the USA.

The teachers of the "Audiovisual Media Art" study specialization of RISEBA include such internationally renowned new media and audiovisual art experts as Aigars Ceplītis, Chris Hales, Ellen Pearlman and others.

The teaching staff of the “Sound Art” Master’s study specialization of LiepU consists of such sound artists, electronic musicians and componists as Platons Buravickis, professor at the Latvian Music Academy Rolands Kronlaks, as well as the sound artists Krista Dintere and Ivo Dinters who themselves are the graduates of the Liepaja University's New Media Art program and whose sound artworks are currently on view at the Hearing Notes exhibition at the RIXC Gallery, in Lencu street 2, Riga, from Wednesday to Saturday, from 12.00 to 18.00.

The Hearing Notes exhibition by Ivo Taurins and Krista Dintere (graduated of the LiepU Master’s program) at the RIXC Gallery, 2021. Photo: Juris Rozenbergs

The “Digital Art” specialization is led by the artist and professor Rasa Smite together with Raitis Smits, asoc. prof. from the Art Academy of Latvia. The immersive Atmospheric Forest installation by Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits right now is on view at the exhibition of the Purvitis Prize 2021 nominees at the Latvian National Art Museum, while its VR version is on view at the RIXC Gallery.

Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits. The Atmospheric Forest exhibition at the RIXC gallery, 2020. Photo: Kristine Madjare

The lectures of the Master’s study program take place in Liepaja and Riga, and are scheduled considering the needs of the working students: they take place on Thursday and Friday evenings (18.00-21.00) and on Saturday  (9.00 – 16.00). During the first semester, the studies mainly take place at the RISEBA University in Riga and students from all the specializations learn the subjects of “Visual Culture”, “Audio Culture” and “Creative Research”. During the second semester, students learn suchs subjects as “Creative industries”, as well as specific subjects for the specializations of the “Digital Art” and “Sound Art” specializations that take place in Liepaja. During the third semester, students continue to learn the specialization subjects in Liepaja and, in addition, they study the “Media Theory and Research Methods” in Riga, to prepare for writing the Master’s thesis. During the fourth semester, students write the Master’s thesis, meeting monthly in Liepaja. It is also possible to study remotely (by participating in the lectures online).

The lectures take place in Liepaja and Riga, and are scheduled considering the needs of the working students: they take place remotely on the evening each Thursday and Friday  (18.00-21.00) and each Saturday (18.00-21.00). During the first semester, teh studies mainly take place at the RISEBA University in Riga and students from all the specializations learn the subjects of “Visual Culture”, “Audio Culture” and “Creative Research”. During the second semester, students learn “Creative industries”, as well as specific subjects for the specializations of the “Digital Art” and “Sound Art” that take place in Liepaja. During the third semester, students continue to learn the specialization subjects in Liepaja and, in addition, they study the “Media Theory and Research Methods” in Riga, to prepare for writing the Master’s thesis. During the fourth semester, students write the Master’s thesis, meeting monthly in Liepaja. 

As part of the study process, students participate in the annual Update festival of the Liepaja University’s MPLab (Art Research Laboratory) – international new media art week ( Students also have an opportunity to participate in the organization of the annual Art-Science festival and conference of the RIXC Center for New Media Culture, and other scientific and student conferences, as well as participate and assist in organization of exhibitions.

The Brain Proclamation artwork by Gunta Dombrovska (graduate of LiepU) at the “Impulses. New Sound Days” exhibition, 2016. The exhibition by the Liepaja new media artists in Riga. RISEBA, H20 Center. RIXC publicity photo.

The applicants of the Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs will have to participate in the entrance exams. During the entrance exam of the Bachelor’s program, it will be necessary to present your portfolio, while during the entrance exam of the Master’s program, it will be necessary to present your Master's thesis idea (possible theme of research) and portfolio (the creative activities of the applicant so far), and answer the questions of the admission commission.

More about admission in the Liepaja University: , more about Art Research Laboratory MPLab and study programs -


For questions and communication:, +371-26546776 –  LiepU professor Rasa Šmite, director of the Master’s and PhD study programs at the Liepaja University (each Monday at 10.00), +371 29175201 - Anna Priedola, the director of the Bachelor’s program and the LiepU Art Research laboratory., +371-29948430 – lecturer Maija Demitere, assistant of the directors of the Master’s study program, 2619 0339 – LiepU admission commission (during working hours)

The press release was prepared by Liepaja University Art Research Laboratory ( in cooperation with the program partner New Media Culture Center RIXC (


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)