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RIXC Residency Partners - Ventpils Radiotelescope. RIXC Publicity photo. Photo: Didzis Grodzs

The Deadline for the 3rd Residency – October 15, 2023

RIXC is happy to announce that the call for the second RIXC Art, Science & Techo-Ecologies Residency is closed with the selection of residency artist Marko Timlin (Finland)! The call is still open for the fully funded third residency until October 15, 2023!

The call is open for the third residency of the new Residency Program for Baltic and Nordic artists who work on the edge of art, science and techno-ecologies, exploring the complex relations between the human, nature and digital technologies, and focusing on new concepts such as “naturecultures”, “sensing environments”, “living technologies”, “terrestrial coexistence”, “naturally / artificial intelligences”, which recently have beenre-examined at the heart of our society. 


Three Art, Science and Techno-Ecologies residencies, two-month each, for Baltic and Nordic artists will take place at RIXC in Riga, Latvia, during the time period from February 1, 2023 until March 31, 2024, supported by NCP (Nordic Culture Point). The three fully-funded Baltic-Nordic Artist Residencies will also include a trip and short-stay visits to RIXC Fields residency (in rural area) and their partner location – at the Irbene Radiotelescope.

The Deadline for the Third Residency – October 15, 2023

Each residency will take place for two months:

May 1 - June 30, 2023
Call closed. Selected residency artist Juan Duarte (Finland).

March 1 - April 30, 2023 / OR October 1 - November 30, 2023
Call closed. Selected residency artist Marko Timlin (Finland).

February 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024
Call is open! APPLY NOW HERE!
Deadline: October 15, 2023

RIXC Residency Studio (in Riga)

The artists of each of the three 2-month residencies will be based in RIXC Residency Studio in Riga, Latvia. RIXC Residency Studio is located right next to the RIXC Gallery on Lencu iela 2, City Center of Riga, in the very heart of Riga's contemporary and historic cultures with famous Art Nouveau buildings, near famous Alberta street.

Each of the two-month periods of the residency is intended for the Nordic-Baltic artist creative research, local expert engagement, professional contact establishment and local media networking in the sphere of art and science. The artists will be also supported to carry out their individual artistic researches and creative experiments, collaborate with the scientists and local artists, and to produce new artworks. 

Artists in Riga will be provided with access to the internet, shared laboratory space, mediatheque, and digital production equipment. For educational programs, workshops and exhibitions RIXC offers the gallery space, as well as its expertise and assistance to artists. 

RIXC Partners - Ventspils Radiotelescope and Fields Residency (RIXC Greenhouse)

Each Residency also will offer research trips to the Ventspils Radiotelescope and/or short (one-week) stays at RIXC Fields Residency. The RIXC Residencies for Baltic Nordic artists will offer unique collaboration possibilities with the scientists at the Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Center near Ventspils, as well as will provide an access and spacefor carrying out growing experiments, as well as agricultural, forest and fields related artistic research at the RIXC Fields Residency.

By opening up residencies and exhibition opportunities for Baltic-Nordic artists, working with science and digital technologies, RIXC aims to support new knowledge creation and innovative artistic productions in the region of Baltic and Nordic region.

Open Call

Artists will be granted with a fee of 3000 EUR for each 2-month residency. This fully-funded residency also will provide the selected artists with free accomodation, covering their travel costs, local transportation costs, technical assistance and other production costs related to public presentation. 

As a result of the residency we expect that new artwork (installation, exhibition, performance) will be produced with a public presentation at the RIXC Gallery.

We welcome applications by both – established and emerging* artists, individual artists as well as artist duo from Baltic or Nordic countries. We primarily will accept those applications, in which artists will express their interest in producing new “techno-ecological” artworks, as well as exhibiting or publicly presenting their work, getting engaged with local artists, scientists and communities, and getting involved in other RIXC activities.

*students (BA, MA) are not eligible to apply. PhD researchers are eligible for this residency.

For the third resident we are accepting applications from artists who are based in Baltic countries (Estonia, Lithuania) and Nordic countries (Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden; the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland; and the autonomous region of Åland.). 

Call for the Third Residency is Open!
Deadline for the Applications: October 15, 2023!

Please submit your proposal online: 

1) in the “abstracts” field please write the short Summary (title, abstract of your residency art project proposal and motivation - up to 300 words),

2) and please upload via the online system (as the attachment) your CV and portfolio.

Don't hesitate to email us if you have you have any questions to 

Organizer: RIXC Center for New Media Culture (Riga, Latvia)

Contact:, Raitis Smits, curator and project coordinator
Liva Silina, residency assistant and information coordinator

RIXC Center for New Media Culture has received mobility funding from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture to establish RIXC Art Science Residencies.


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)