Deep Sensing artwork by Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits is now on view at the Convergence: Artistic Explorations from Nature to Society exhibition, opened last week in Taipei, Taiwan! The exhibition is on view at ZONESOUND CREATIVE Center from May 10 until August 10, 2024.
Deep Sensing is an immersive installation that explores how weather and climate data interact with events in our solar system. Virtual point cloud antennas track the flow of cosmic particles from the Sun to the Earth, generating global wind patterns that are interpreted into immersive visualizations and soundscapes using data and recordings from Irbene radiotelescope. RIXC artists strive to push the boundaries of climate science by investigating its correlations with space research while contextualizing these interactions in a socio-ecological and geopolitical perspective. Their immersive multi-sensory experience is an endeavor to make the complex science, impacts, and scale of climate-induced environmental change more accessible to the public.
The poetic encounter between art and science creates a fuzzy dimension of new possibilities. “Convergence: Artistic Explorations from Nature to Society" brings together domestic and international artists-researchers and organizations, showcasing interdisciplinary practices that span from micro to macro, invisible to visible, and from Earth to the cosmos. Advanced technologies and infrastructure transcend their practical functions in the eyes of artists, serving as mediums to challenge conventional wisdom and foster diverse sensory explorations. The collective imagination between art and science connects the past and future, theory and practice, encouraging a more open, diverse, and inclusive dialogue to better explore and understand the world around us.
The exhibition curator is Po-Hao Chi who is a multidisciplinary practitioner, researcher, and educator from Taiwan interested in the gray area where humans and technology meet. His practice encompasses installation, performance, research, and education, with extensive international experience through residencies and exhibitions at technoculture-related institutions such as the V2_Lab for the Unstable Media, LABoral Art and Creative Industries Center, Medialab Prado, and Foundation of the Art and Creative Technology, among others. He has a B.A. in Economics from National Taiwan University, an MMus from Goldsmiths, University of London, and an M.S. from MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology. Recently, he curated the Rescaling the World exhibition at the Taiwan STS conference (2023) and TCCF Stereo (2022).
Exhibition artists: Aarti Sunder, Chucho Ocampo, Coevolution Research Assembly, Lythologies, Marisa Morán Jahn, Fieldscape & Maggie Coblentz, Nicole L'Huillier & Patricia Dominguez, Rasa Smite & Raitis Smits, Tzu-Tung Lee & Winnie Soon, Taiwan Space Agency, Yu-Chun Lo.
The artwork is exhibited with the support of the State Cultural Capital Foundation of Latvia.
Artwork producer: RIXC Center for New Media Culture
Partner: Ventspils International Radioastronomy Center (Ventspils Starptautiskais Radioastronomijas Centrs)
More info:
+371 67228478 (office)
+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)
+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)