During the Film and Animation Festival UPDATE participants acquired such skills as laser scanning, script writing, the role of video in activism, different approaches to green screen and special effects in film and live stream, 3D sculpting for virtual reality (VR) and machine learning for creating visual artworks. On Friday at the Art Research Laboratory (MPLab, Kūrmājas pr. 13 (basement)) anyone interested will be able to see the workshop results presented in a pop-up exhibition. Doors open on March 31 from 19:00.
Friday, March 31 evening program:
19:00 – workshop hosts and participants will present their works,
20:00 – performance by “Random Encounters”,
21:00 – audiovisual performances by festival participants.
Visitors will be able to try various activities themselves, such as 3D sculpting in VR, take photos in front of a green screen, view different VR, sound, video, and animation works created during the week.
The main event of the evening is the performance by “Random Encounters”, a unique project created as part of this festival. “Random Encounters” is a collaborative project between the experimental music group “Nejausi” (Roberts Dinters, Valdis Skarevics) and the French performance group “Live Animated Orchestra” (Marie-Anne Bacquet, Stephanie Cadoret). The performance will start around 20:00.
All performances will be also available for online. Register on the website to receive the link: https://update.mplab.lv/.
UPDATE is organized by ASTE, a collective of media artists based in Liepaja (https://aste.gallery) and Liepaja University Art Research Lab (MPLab, https://mplab.lv). UPDATE is created with the support of State Culture Capital Foundation of Latvia (VKKF).
UPDATE website: https://update.mplab.lv/
Get in touch: Maija Demitere (maija.demitere@gmail.com, 29948430).