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Burn_Slow unites experienced and young sound artists and art students from 6 Nordic and Baltic countries to create a Sound and Radio Art programme exploring mental ecology and the therapeutic aspects of sound making in times of social seclusion. Online programme on May 21st and 22nd consists of lectures, skill-sharing workshops, discussion and innovative joint networked sound art performance. 10 best sound art pieces (as decided by an experienced jury) will be included in festival PIXELACHE 2021 BURN___ audio programme on June 6th – 13th in Helsinki and online, and rewarded 200 euro artist fee. 

Burn_Slow. Nordic-Baltic Sound and Radio art for Mental Well-Being is organised by media art organization ASTE. Art, Science, Technology, Education (Latvia) and Liepaja University Art Research Lab, in close collaboration with PIXELACHE festival, New Media department of Estonian Academy of Arts and other Nordic-Baltic art schools. PIXELACHE (FI) festival marks its 20th anniversary this year – it is a unique cultural festival in Nordics, that promotes emergent transdisciplinary practices and thinking between art, design, technology, research and activism.

Burn_Slow Online Program May 21–22:

May 21st – Lectures and demonstrations of artists-researchers exploring sonic ecology, sustainability and mental health in sound art:

  • Maija DEMITERE “Slow Media Art – Sustainable Sound Installation – a lecture on on Slow media art and issues of sustainability

  • Krista DINTERE “Extending Time” – a lecture on time and listening methods in sound art for slowing down

  • Ieva VĪKSNE “Healing depression using realtime mental activity driven audio meditation" – a presentation on biometric data driven meditiation

  • Short presentations by workshop leads which rise the research questions worked upon during skillsharing workshops on the next day.

  • Online discussion on “Sound Art for Mental Ecology” moderated byLaura GUSTAFSSON, creative co-director of PIXELACHE festival. 

May 22nd – Online Skill-sharing workshops and collaborative online sound art improvisation:

  • Jacob REMIN “To Soothe the Body Electric” – a sound meditation on loss of control and algorithmic agency

  • John GRZINICH “Sensing a Site: telematic sound” – on remoteness and telematic sharing possibilities to raise awareness of ecology

  • Mantautas KRUKAUSKAS “Artistic diffusion of sound in space – on innovations of spatialised sound

  • Derek HOLZER“Sounds of Futures Past” – on speculative design of historically informed electronic instruments

  • Collaborative online real-time sound improvisation by workshop leads and participants to join and/or enjoy

Look online for detailed workshop descriptions:

May 23rd – May 30th Remote joint and individual work on sound and radio art projects
May 31st – June 1st Jury decision on 10 young artist pieces for Pixelache festival programme
June 6th – June 13th Sound and Radio art programme playback during PIXELACHE festival

Scheduled joint online listening sessions for a shared public sound art experience.

Application form:


Burn_Slow project page:
Burn_Slow facebook event:
PIXELACHE festival:
ASTE. Art, Science, Technology, Education:

For questions:

Anna Priedola (+371 27832477)
Krista Dintere (+ 371 25997662)


+371 67228478 (office)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Smite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)