18:00 FIELDS Exhibition Opening and RENEWABLE FUTURES Conference Reception
Arsenals Exibition Hall, Torna street 1 / free entrance
10:00 – 14:00
Conference organisational comitee meeting
Goethe Institute – Riga, Torna iela 1
Representatives of the organisational comitee participating in discussion:
Rasa ŠMITE (LV), Armin MEDOSCH (AT), Misko SUVAKOVIC (RS), Regine DEBATTY (BE), Annick BUREAUD (FI), Indulis BILZĒNS (LV), Lisa HASKEL (UK), Shawn PINCHBECK (CA), Hanna HAASLAHTI (FI), etc
17:00 – 19:00 FIELDS / RENEWABLE FUTURES – public lectures by artists and currators
Goethe Institute – Riga, Torna iela 1 (entrance from Klostera street) / free entrance / please register via e-mail: rixc@rixc.lv
Armin MEDOSCH. The Broken Mirror: Art after the dreamworld of digital utopia
Misko SUVAKOVIC. Grey zones: Revisionisms and theory of art and politics
Ieva ASTAHOVSKA. Trajectories of search for new space in Latvian art of the recent past – visionary art and approximate art
20:00 Art+Communication Festival Concert and Performances
Spikeri Concert Hall, Maskavas street 4, Tickets at bilesuparadize.lv – 9 EUR / 4,50 EUR (students)
ART AND SCIENCE. From Techno-Ecological Practices to New Sustainability Theories
Goethe Institute – Riga, Torņa street 1 (entrance prom Klostera street) / Free entrance
10:00 Artist Keynotes
Marko PELJHAN & Matthew BIEDERMAN. Integrative Methodologies – Tactical Approaches to Some Strategic Problems
Lisa JEVBRATT. Together – Seeing, Seeking and Knowing with an Other
Richard BARBROOK. Class Wargames: Ludic subversion against spectacular capitalism
12:30 Session 1: Art+Science
Ainars KAMOLINS. On History and Philosophy of Art and Bio-Science
Annick BUREAUD. Art in the Future Tense. A Life, Bio Art and Synthetic Biology
Maja SMREKAR. Hu.M.C.C.: Transdisciplinary Guide through the Project
Regine DEBATTY. Artistic Exploration of the Meat Industry. Or How to Reconnect with Your Burger?
14:00 Session 2: Techno-Ecologies
Olga MINK. New Sustainable Models for Future Collaborations
Darko Fritz. Nature Embedded Netculture
Annemie MAES. Intelligent Beehives
Eric SNODGRASS / Malmö University. Ecologies of the Executable: A Few Interstratic Experiments
Klaus SCHAFLER. Hacking the Future and Planet
Ulrich EVERDING. and Jonas BUECHEL. Empty Spaces
Suncica PASULJEVIC. "Autonomy" Napon
15:30 Participatory Session – PLAYING FIELDS – Plant It! Wild Ontologies in the service of activating history
19:00 – 01:00 FIELDS Exhibition Public Event Programme during the Museum's Night
Arsenals EXibition Hall, Torna iela 1 / Free entrance
8:30 There is an free organized bus Riga – Liepaja – Riga
Please let us know if you plan to use the bus in advance: rixc@rixc.lv
11:30 Stop at Grobiņa Wind Park. Presentation by Karl Heinz Jeron and sound tour around Wind Park
RENEWABLE FUTURES – Conference Day 2
ART AS RESEARCH – From Transdisciplinary Explorations and Participatory Culture to Academic Inquiry
Liepaja University's Art Research Lab, Liepaja, Kurmajas prospekts 13 / free entrance
13:00 Session 1: Art as Research – Exploring Relation between Digital and Real Environment
Piibe PIIRMA. Hybrid Practice
Anna TRAPENCIERE. Intimacy and Private Space in Internet of Things Age
Janis GARANCS. Immersive environments as self-adopting interfaces for participats
Anja MALEC. Out of the Black Box Inside the White Cube – On Immersive Environments
Samir BHOWMIK. digGLAM: A Collaborative Digitization Project for the Collections of Gallen-Kallela Museum and its User Communities
14:15 Session 2: Art as Research – Theories, Practices and Methodologies
Raivo KELOMEES / Estonian Academy of Arts / Tartu University. Transgressing Borders and Building Norms: On Research-Based Artworks – Discussing Interdisciplinary Artworks from Point of View of Ordinary Visitor
Ásthildur Björg JÓNSDÓTTIR / Iceland Academy of Arts / University of Rovaniemi / University of Iceland. On Participatory Research
Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN / Aalto University. Transformation Through Research
Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDÓTTIR / Lorna / Iceland Academy of Arts. What is the scholar doing here?
Kristin BERGAUST / Oslo University College, Faculty for Art and Design. Art in Society: Artistic Methods as a Resource and Challenge for Innovation in Education
Gisle FROYSLAND. On Pixel Festival
15:30 Session 3: Art as Research – Building Techno-Ecological Perspective
Isidora TODOROVIC. On Games for Social Changes and as Art Research. Can you feel the spill (on Kravtsovskoye oilfield)
Karla BRUNET. Art as Research: The Creative Process of a Costal Project in Brazil.
Karl Heinz JERON. Wind Park Drone: The Humming of Wind Turbines – Sound Art Action About the Perception of Noise
Scott ELLIOTT / Aalto. On Architectural Interventions and Environmental Art
Simon GODDEK. Sustainable Challenges of Commercial Aquaponics
Vika SOKOLOVSKAJA. Upcycling design in context of contemporary fashion
Markus JOUTSELA. Exploring Food Packaging Experiences for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS)
17:00 Session 4. New Media Art Showcase by Liepaja Art Research Lab students and reserachers:
Santa MAZIKA. Art Research Lab at Liepaja University
Maija DEMITERE. Perfect Sustainable Art
Jānis JANKEVICS. Random Time Displacement
Andris VĒTRA, Artis KUPRIŠS. Lacplesis Technology
Laura KATKEVIČA. Creative Use of Social Networks in Primary School Education
Kristaps BITERS. Viable Systems
Anna TRAPENCIERE. International New Media Art Week “iWeek”
Excursion through the exhibition, including a soundwalk to the sea
19:00 Panel for conference closing discussions
Participats of discussion "Art as Research":
Rasa ŠMITE (LV), Natacha ROUSSEL (BE), Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN (FI), Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDÓTTIR (IS), Kristin BERGAUST (NO)
Entrance for the conference events is free of charge, however, you are kindly asked to register by sending an email to: rixc@rixc.lv
Electronic Art and Media Center RIXC
Maskavas street 10, Rīga, LV-1050
e-mail: rixc@rixc.lv
phone.: +371 67228478
Rasa Šmite, RIXC / LiepU MPLab, festival director, rasa@rixc.lv, +371 26546776
Agnese Baranova, RIXC / festical producer, agnese@rixc.lv,+371 29635167
The new conference series will be launched by RIXC / Renewable Network and ARS BALTICA in a joint effort with Goethe Institute – Riga, The Danish Cultural Institute in Latvia, Art Research Lab of Liepaja University as well as by other involved partner organizations, cultural institutions, art universities and collaboration networks. More then just building an other new Baltic-Nordic collaboration platform, this event aims to play a role of 'connector' – maintaining links between different platforms and networks existing in North European and Baltic Sea region, as well as connecting them with the other European countries and the rest of the world.
The Renewable Futures conference takes place in the framework of Renewable Network – long-term collaboration project supported by Nordic Culture Point.
The Fields exhibition is supported by Riga 2014, Riga City Council, Nordic Culture Point, State Cultural Capital Foundation, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, Austrian Ministry of Culture, EU Culture 2007-2013 programme, Nordic Culture Point.
The Latvian National Museum of Art, Soft Control, Techno-Ecologies, Goethe Institute in Riga, French Institute in Latvia, Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia, The Danish Cultural institute, ARS BALTICA, Renewable Network.