Walker is composed of a several costumed linked by an xbee network responding to their users walking rythms. Walker is an object that can be used in a participative manner for playful discovery of gestural processes and stalking and creating words.
Just like aliens have left-over objects on a roadside picnic we do not know exactly what walker produces when people use it; all that we know concerns a bunch of nodes that transmit data, connected through wireless network; exchanging rhythms / language / then process words and sound from those exchanges between different persons.
Natacha Roussel engages the public in her interventions searching she builds physicaland narrative interfaces towards poetic sensorial and textual content they go from bodyextension, communicant textile to distributed networks. Living since 2011 in Bruxelles sheis involved in several collective projects, being in interested in particular in principles ofdistributed narratives and semantic principles engaged through networks.En 2003 she co-fonded Experientiæ Electricæ, aiming at the integration of multiple simpletechnologies leading to mulimedia installations, presented internationnally. More recentlyshe concentrates on the sensitive aspects of interaction by pursuing a PHD at Paris1Uunder direction of Olga Kisseleva.