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Pagarinām pieteikšanos trešajai Renewable Futures konferencei! Līdz 5. martam piesakies šeit – https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hls2018

Konference no 30. maija līdz 1. jūnijam norisināsies Ālto universitātē, Espo, Somijā. Konferencē atskatīsies uz mākslas un zinātnes mijiedarbību vēsturi, ar mērķi iezīmēt hibrīdlaboratoriju nākotni. Programmā iekļauta konference, izstādes atklāšana, kā arī publiskā programma universitātes mediju laboratorijās.

Sīkāka informācija par konferenci un pieteikšanos atrodama zemāk angļu valodā.

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The Third Edition of RENEWABLE FUTURES, Art and Science Conference series in North-Europe,
Celebrating Leonardo's 50th Anniversary / In the framework of Aalto Festival

May 30 – June 1, 2018
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
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APPLY NOW: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hls2018

Deadline Extended – MARCH 5, 2018
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Hybrid Labs is the third edition of Renewable Futures conference that aims to challenge the future of knowledge creation through art and science collaboration. The HYBRID LABS will take place from May 30 to June 1, 2018 at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, in the context of Aalto Festival. Celebrating 50 years of Leonardo journal and community, the HYBRID LABS conference will look back into the history of art and science collaboration, with an intent to reconsider and envision the future of hybrid laboratories – where scientific research and artistic practice meet and interact.

Our three-day media event medley includes:


Opening Programme features Oslofjord Ecologies Extended exhibition opening, curated by Kristin Bergaust on behalf of Art in Society research group at HiOA. The exhibition is based on results of artistic research processes following common workshops, field trips and earlier exhibitions and performances linked to the Creative Europe project Renewable Futures and the Nordic collaboration Hybrid Labs.


Renewable Futures conference will begin with keynotes addressing HYBRID LABS topic from different broader perspectives. Parallel tracks of presentations will discuss the future of HYBRID LABS, art and science collaboration, focusing on five main topics:
- hybrid practices (in art and science),
- hybrid storytelling,
- hybrid fabrication,
- hybrid reality,
- hybrid economies.


Collaboratory day and Leonardo birthday celebration includes guided tours of several of the Otaniemi campus laboratories and a workshop on collaboratory methods during the morning followed by afternoon keynote, sauna, and dinner. The topic of the keynote will be about Arts and Science collaboration and planetary healing. Also throughout the Lab tours, we want to stress the heritage aspects of the spaces, the campus and innovative aspects of art and science collaboration.

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- Roger MALINA / Executive Editor, Leonardo Publications at M.I.T Press / Professor, the University of Texas at Dallas.
- Nina CZEGLEDY / Artist, Curator and Educator on Art, Science and Technology / Leonardo Community, Toronto, Canada
- and TBC

More info: http://hybridlabs.aalto.fi/hls-2018-cfp-hybrid-labs-symposium-2018/

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(Step 1)


We welcome submissions by academic researchers, designers, artists, scientists, students, social entrepreneurs, visionaries and other creative thinkers and practitioners to submit their proposals related to the conference theme.

- hybrid practices – combining art and science, technology and ecology, digital and biological in research and education
- hybrid storytelling – heritage and storytelling for linking virtual with the material domain of everyday life
- hybrid fabrication – innovative maker trends in art and design practices
- hybrid reality – interventions into the uncritical excitement about virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning
- hybrid economies – artistic practices in-between sharing and selling, networking and fabricating

Types of Presentations:

The proposals could be submitted for the following types of presentations:
- academic papers (full / short)
- artistic presentations (performative lectures / performances / participatory sessions)
- poster sessions

Submission Guidelines:
The conference proposals should include:

- Title and abstract (250 words max – text fields 'Title' and 'Abstract'), mandatory;
- five to six keywords (text field 'Keywords'), mandatory;
- short biography: 100 words (text field 'Comments'), mandatory;
- you can also upload a file containing any additional relevant information, optional;

(if you already now, please indicate in your abstract if you want to submit pictures or videos (max 100Mb) as part of your final submission)

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Deadline for Conference Proposals (Abstracts) EXTENDED – MARCH 5, 2018

APPLY NOW! https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=hls2018

Deadline for selected participants to submit their academic papers (for pre-review) or slide presentations (for artistic presentations and performances) – May 14, 2018

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(Step 2)


After receiving the notifications, the selected participants will be asked to submit their Full/Short Papers (working version – for pre-review), Posters (layout) and Artistic Presentations (Slides) by May 14, 2018.

1. Full/Short Paper Submission:
If your abstract for full/short paper will be selected, you will be asked to submit full/short paper for pre-review before the conference (working version). All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference:

- Full papers are up to 6000 words long including references and the presenter must prepare 20+10 minutes presentation.

- Short papers are up to 3000 words long including references and the presenter must prepare 10+5 minutes presentation.

2. Artistic Presentations:
presentations should be prepared as powerpoint or keynote slides.

3. Posters:
Posters should be made in A1 format, and submitted as PDF.

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(Step 3)

Shortly after the conference, the selected participants will be asked to submit their final version of the paper for peer-review. The submitted papers will undergo the double-blind peer-review process to be published in Acoustic Space journal series (Vol. 18, 2019).

When submitting your final papers, you should keep in mind the following:

- Your name. Delete your name from the first page or where ever it is mentioned in the paper.
- Acknowledgements. Please delete or mark “Acknowledgements removed”, if you have acknowledgements or thanks to those who helped you with the paper.
- Document properties. Please don’t send word or similar documents, because it might include personal information in the document (for example in Word, go to file à properties). Send your paper in pdf-format.
- Self-citation. Please anonymize your references or citations to your previous works.
- Images and Videos. Please hide all such information that can reveal you in videos or images you are sending along with your paper.

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About Acoustic Space

The papers from the first Renewable Futures conference are published in Acoustic Space vol. 16, which with the title "RENEWABLE FUTURES. Art, Science and Society in the Post-Media Age" was published in 2017, by RIXC and Liepaja University; editors - Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits, in tribute to Armin Medosch.

The papers from the previous (the 2nd) Renewable Futures conference are going to be published in Acoustic Space vol. 17, which will come out in May 31, 2018, and will be presented during the Hybrid Labs symposium.

More info about the Acoustic Space, peer-reviewed journal series:

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Early Bird Fee is available until 15 April, 2018.

- Early Bird Price (for Speakers and Visitors): 68 EUR (full price 86 eur).
- Early Bird Student Price: 42 EUR (full student price 56 eur).

Included: Coffee and Snacks, Sauna and Dinner (Lunch is not included), pre-review of submitted papers.

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Conference Chair


The Local Conference Organisational Board

- Prof. Lily DIAZ-KOMMONEN / Head of Research Department of Media, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Espoo, Finland
- Prof. Rasa SMITE / Liepaja University, RIXC, Riga, Latvia / FHNW, Basel Switzerland / MIT ACT, Boston, US
- Prof. Kristin BERGAUST / Oslo and Akershus University, Norway
- Nina CZEGLEDY, Leonardo Community, Toronto, Canada
- Juhani TENHUNEN / Aalto Studios, Espoo, Finland
- Saara MÄNTYLÄ / Department of Media, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.

The International Scientific Board of Renewable Futures Conference
- Prof. Lev MANOVICH / Cultural Analytics Lab / The Graduate Center, City University of New York, US
- Ph.D. Jussi PARIKKA / Winchester School of Art / University of Southampton / UK
- Ph.D. Geoff COX / School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Assoc. Prof. Laura BELOFF / IT University, Copenhagen / Finnish Bioart Society, Helsinki, Finland
- Prof. Ursula DAMM / Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
- Dr. Vytautas MICHELKEVICIUS / Nida Art Colony, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania
- Ph.D. Margrét Elísabet ÓLAFSDÓTTIR / Art Education at the University of Akureyri, Iceland
- Assoc. Prof. Ilva SKULTE / Riga Stradins University, Latvia
- Dr. art. Piibe PIIRMA / Tallinn University / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
- Ph. D. Raivo KELOMEES / Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia
- Prof. Miško ŠUVAKOVIĆ / Faculty for Media and Communication, University Singidunum, Belgrade, Serbia
- Dr. Ellen PEARLMAN / Parsons / New School University, New York, USA
- Ph.D. Chris HALES / Assist. Prof. and Study Director of New Media Art Doctoral Programe, Liepaja University, Liepaja, Latvia
- Raphael KIM / Media and Arts Technology, Queen Mary University London, UK

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Venue: Aalto University, Otakaari 1 x, Espoo Finland

Contact:  lily.diaz@aalto.fi | saara.mantyla@aalto.fi

Hybrid Lab's and Renewble Futures Partner Network:
- Aalto University, Espoo/Helsinki, FI
- RIXC Center for New Media Culture, Riga, LV
- Art Research Lab / Liepaja University, Liepaja, LV
- Art in Society Research Groups / Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences - HiOA
- Baltan Laboratories, Eindhoven, NL
- Hangar, Barcelona, ES
- Ars Longa, Paris, FR


Support: NORDPLUS, Aalto University




+371 67228478 (birojs)

+371 26546776 (Rasa Šmite)

+371 25358541 (Līva Siliņa)